How To Write Amazing Show Notes For Your Podcast

How To Write Amazing Show Notes For Your Podcast

How To Write Amazing Show Notes For Your Podcast

Hey Fam,We wanted to drop a quick post on you to answer two questions that we get asked a lot.The first one is, "Are show notes really necessary?"The answer is YES. They're extremely important if you're interested in growing your podcast's reach.Why? Because Google can't index audio (yet). So, in order to boost your SEO within Google, and have people find your podcast when they're putting in search terms, you have to use text.The second question we get asked a lot is, "How do I write show notes?"Don't worry, we've got your back.We just wrote a new post on the blog that covers everything you need to know about writing show notes.It includes:

  • Why you need to be writing concise show notes for your podcast

  • Using text to boost SEO

  • Using show notes as a form of content marketing

  • How to structure your show notes

  • What to include in your show notes

  • The importance of linking to resources mentioned in the show

  • The importance of a Call To Action in your show notes

Free Show Note Template 

As a thank you for being part of our list, click here to download your free show note template. This is the exact template we use with our clients.Plugin your content each week and you're good to go. You'll never have to worry about how to structure your show notes again.