Stuck At Home Thanks To Corona?

Stuck At Home Thanks To Corona? - Load Up On Podcasts

  Stuck at Home Thanks to Corona?

Being that we're all at the helm of the Coronavirus, overhyped or not, I got to thinking that while we're all spending more time indoors we should be taking advantage of this time and go inward. A lot of people are joking that because of the coronavirus and being forced to stay home from work or school that they have more time to catch up on Netflix. I say, screw Netflix...except for Ozark, I'm patiently waiting for that show to drop in a couple weeks! Instead of binging on demand video, try passing the time by loading up on Podcasts and educating yourself about bringing to life that business idea that's looming in the back of your mind.

The entrepreneurial spirit in me has been alive the last 2-3 years ish. That's right around the time I officially launched The Podcast Haven.  I've been recording, editing and mixing podcasts since 2015, but it was about 2-3 years ago (I can't remember exactly) that I launched the website and went all in on podcasting. Below are some some great entrepreneurial inspired podcasts to have in your arsenal. Some of these I still listen to, others I hard lined at one time to gain insight, knowledge and inspiration.

Leveling Up with Eric Siu

Eric runs the marketing agency Single Grain. This daily short podcast highlights how to grow your business through online marketing and SEO techniques. He interviews entrepreneurs on the latest marketing trends and provides actionable tips on how to grow your online imprint. You could have the greatest product, service or software solution in the world, but if it's difficult to find you on the web, it's going to be hard to grow!

Freelance To Founder - Hosted by Brandon Hull

This podcasts has been really inspiring to me. On it, Brandon interviews folks who were able to grow their business or side hustle to the six figure mark and now have influence in their industry. There's a lot of solopreneurs on this podcast that include: stay at home moms, software developers, bloggers, online service creators etc... The main thing they all have in common is that they had an idea and built it into a business, many of them without external funding or loans. They're everyday people like you and me who had an idea and executed it from their laptop or garage. They bootstrapped their way into become "Founders". Many of them now have employees and actual companies.

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Perhaps the holy grail of entrepreneurship podcasts. Guy's has interviewed some heavy hitters on the show, including the founders of Dyson, Lululemon, Mens Warehouse, Canva, Shopify, JetBlue, Burton, Five Guys, TOM's, and Lyft, just to name a few. He starts at their childhood and deciphers the moments that they decided they wanted to be entrepreneurs. A lot of the business moguls on this show were the kids who sold candy or chips during middle school or high school and had the entrepreneurial bug from a young age whether they realized it or not. Many of these folks faced hardships, neared bankruptcy's or started 2-3 businesses that "failed" before their big idea hit. How I Built This is well written and produced. There's something about Guy's voice that is soothing but also invokes a feeling of genuine curiosity.

Start Up

Start Up is a series by Gimlet media about what it's like to be in the trenches bringing your business idea to life. The unique thing about season 1 of this show (the season I listened to) is that Alex Blumberg, the host, documents in real time the process of him starting Gimlet. There's audio recordings penciled into the narration. He narrates his story of how he left public radio to create a podcast network. He talks about and has footage of him finding his business partner and co-founder Matthew Lieber, the process of talking to venture capital firms to get funding, opening offices in Brooklyn NY and creating his first show for the network; Reply All. Since season 1, the show has shifted. Now the guests on the show change week to week, instead of focusing on one person or one company for an entire season. In this podcast Alex takes you into the minds of some of the greatest leaders in business. They provide business tips and insights but more importantly they tell fantastic stories that embody heroic characters who you want to win at all costs.

The experts are saying the coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better. While we're all sidelined at home, get out your smartphone and download some of these podcasts. Take advantage of this time indoors, away from the noise and get some inspiration to actually start moving on that idea you've had. You can even listen to some of these shows while you're writing that blog or building your website. Coronavirus may have certain aspects of your life on hold, but that opens up possibilities.

I'm Eric Montgomery the Founder and Chief Engineer of The Podcast Haven. For more articles about Podcasts and Podcasting go to

Lastly, if you're looking for podcast production advice or want to start a branded show for your business email me at [email protected]

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