[Re-sent] How To Structure A Podcast

How To Structure A Podcast

Don't Keep Your Audience Guessing

How do you structure your podcast and what is a show format?A format is the way that you keep your content organized and consistent. Without one, your show might seem a little random and disjointed.Sticking to a format is the key to retaining your audience, and easing your production workflow. In this post, I’m going to teach you how to utilize the six podcast show formats and cover what which format works best for different types of content.

If you’re more the listening type, I covered this topic in episode 3 of my podcast, Clipped

Your audience will come to expect that your podcast is more or less the same each week. Obviously, it would feel odd to your listeners if one week you went on a rant, the next week you interviewed someone, the following episode you did a Q&A, and then maybe had your buddies on to shoot the shit and have some beers.


Are you having trouble getting your podcast off the ground? Then you need The Four Pillars of Podcasting ebook. This ebook breaks down the entire podcasting process into four pillars: pre-production, production, post-production, and launch.By reading through it and mastering each pillar, you’ll be fully equipped with what it takes to launch a successful podcast. Be sure to grab your copy today!

Hit Me Up!If you guys have any podcast questions, shoot me an email at [email protected]. I love connecting with you guys. Shoot me your podcasting idea/podcast name and I’ll give you some honest feedback.

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