[Re-sent] Free Show Notes Template

Free Show Notes Template

Struggling To Write Show Notes For Your Podcast?

Hey Fam,

Hope your podcast ventures are coming along smoothly. 

The goal of this newsletter is to provide you with the best podcasting tools and tips, so that you can speed up your workflows and more easily put out great content.

As an agency, we used to get hung up on writing show notes.  It was difficult to figure out the best format to write them in.

After a lot of trial and error, as well as studying the industry's best practices, we landed on the template below.

Since then we've used this template to write thousands of episode show notes for our clients.

With this template, you'll never have to worry about how to write your show notes. 

Copy-paste your episodes info into the template, and BOOM, you're golden.


Blog Post - How To Write Show Notes For Your Podcast