EP 72 Properly Submit Your Podcast To YouTube

Free PDF & Event: Master Podcasting on YouTube!


Snag our 🆓 FREE PDF to master the art of podcasting on YouTube!  📺

📊 Discover data-driven tips and tricks for uploading your show so it gets recognized by YouTube Music's expanding podcast platform.

Don't miss your chance to tap into YouTube's vast audience—download your guide today!"

Hey Poddy Peeps! 🎙️

Big news: I'm teaming up with The Podcast Space and some killer creators for a can't-miss, FREE event—Collaboration Beyond The Mic! 

Mark 11/8/23 on your calendar; it's gonna be epic.

Drowning in the chaos of video, AI, and shifting growth strategies? Struggling to stand out? We feel you.

Here's the pitch: Get game-changing tips and tools from 10 podcasting pros. No fluff, just actionable advice to level up your podcast, whether you're a rookie or a vet.

Ready to dive in?

Hit that RSVP and stay tuned for weekly updates on what's coming your way.

🎃 Only 12 more days till Halloween, and we've got something that's just as exciting…well…maybe 😁

We're diving deep into the world of podcasting on YouTube. Yeah, you heard that right. If you've been on the fence about whether to make the leap to video, this episode is your nudge.

What You'll Learn:

🎥 The YouTube Opportunity: Why podcasters can't afford to ignore this platform anymore.

🤔 Audio vs Video: The pros and cons, and where you should be focusing your energy.

📈 YouTube Metrics: How to properly upload your podcast to YouTube and tap into a new audience

🎵 YouTube Music: The new kid on the block that's making waves in the podcasting world.

📊 Discoverability: How YouTube's algorithm could be a game-changer for your podcast.

🛠️ Getting Started: Practical tips for easing into video podcasting without breaking the bank.

📱 Social Media Synergy: How video content can amplify your reach beyond YouTube.

Affiliate Alert

Instant Chapters - Use AI to get time stamped chapters for your YouTube videos with one click.

Keep Listening, Keep Engaging, and Keep Creating,


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